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The Hebrew Bible as Literature: A Very Short Introduction - de Tod Linafelt (Author)

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Le Titre Du LivreThe Hebrew Bible as Literature: A Very Short Introduction
Date de Lancement2016-03-03
TraducteurRaaj Shayanne
Chiffre de Pages510 Pages
Taille du fichier33.44 MB
LangueFrançais et Anglais
Format de eBookAMZ PDF EPub HWPML RTF
de (Auteur)Tod Linafelt
Nom de FichierThe-Hebrew-Bible-as-Literature-A-Very-Short-Introduction.pdf

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The Hebrew Bible As Literature A Very Short Introduction 2019hebrew bible literature very short introduction 2019Livre gratuit TlchargerTlcharger le livre GratuitLivres PDF gratuits Télécharger Gratuits The Hebrew Bible As Literature A Very Short Introduction Title The Bible As Literature An Introduction 2019 Télécharger Lire en Ligne Gratuits Author

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In the Hebrew Bible Israel tells its storyhistory in order to forge its identity The way memory and oblivion are articulated in the narrative orientates both history the past and the manner in which the present is experienced Indeed the rememberance and evocation of specific events help to build a particular awareness and sense of self in a vital dynamic process in which discourse and narration play a centrale role

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